
We’ve taken a few significant steps forward in our service provision this past week.  Some might argue they are strides forward more than steps, given all the pressures and uncertainties  around  lockdowns  and  the  pandemic. 

Firstly, our Gambling Therapy (GT) website has relaunched with a much-advanced functionality.  What this means in real speak is that it will make it much easier for those needing help in the  UK  and  around  the  world  to  get  it.  

Forums and groups are now fully mobile responsive enabling clients to easily use them on their phones, which is how 80% of clients contact us online.  

Response times have improved rapidly, and this reduces “bounce rates” – meaning that people don’t hang up after suffering a delay while waiting for the mobile application to search and find a site or a page.  

These sorts of lengthy and frustrating delays could lose as many as 90% of potential clients before. Now GT can be confidently promoted across all social media platforms such as Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook, knowing that clients will not be lost, and they will find what they are looking for in a reasonable time.  

The website has added new languages (Punjabi, Urdu, Hindu), and it also has the ability to include many more. This will mean opening up the service to new countries and cultures, and it will assist Gambling Therapy connecting with BAME and South Asian communities in the UK and globally.  

On top of that we have completed refurbishments at both Beckenham and Dudley and introduced  a  new  treatment  programme 

Similar  progress  has  been  made  with  our  recovery  house.  Our  Retreat  &  Counselling  (R&C)  has  also  developed  through  running  an  online  programme  for  men  and  women. 

The  Outreach  programme  has  similarly  expanded  its  provision  through  the  use  of  video  groups  that  offer  peer  support,  Q&As,  Women’s  groups,  topic  groups,  family  and  friends  groups  and  of  course  pre-support. 

All of these on their own are significant steps forward, but they are all coming together at a time when we are all facing huge challenges.
And for us that is the point.  The world and its people, and    particularly those affected by gambling addiction, are all facing massive challenges. 

We want our services to be the best they can for those people we can help and support. 

So, we are not here just to ask, “Are you okay?”  –  as important as that is – but to offer the real quality of help that is so urgently needed, whether it is online or in person. 

We know there is lot more to do.  And we have plans in place for next year to keep making progress that brings real benefit for all our service users and their friends and family. 

We  also  want  to  make  sure  that  the  hidden  addiction  of  gambling  becomes  more  widely  understood  and  acted  upon.
We  are  very  pleased  that  the  media  seems  to  be  picking  up  on  the  issue  and  presenting  it  in  a  balanced  and  sensitive  way  (see  below). 

We are hoping that Gordon Moody should be in a few national media stories over the next few days and there is growing interest in future coverage as well. 

We will keep you updated. 


Gordon Moody and the media 

As well as improving our own communications through websites, social media, and other channels, we have been working more with broadcast and print media in recent months. 

This has partly been because of increased awareness and interest because of the pandemic and lockdown.  But also, because we have also wanted to get important news out there, about how people can access services and helping people to know they are not alone and can get support. 

Understandably,  the  media  like  to  focus  on  case  studies  –  the  human  story  that  people  understand  most  readily.
We  try  to  offer  that  if  we  can,  but  we  also  make  it  clear  to  media  organisations  what  we  are  not  prepared  to  do  and  the  duty  of  care  we feel  for  all  our  residents,  ex-residents,  their  friends  and  family  and  our  staff. 

We will not get involved in stories that are simply trying to sensationalise things or cause distress for anyone. 

And for us one of the most important things is ensuring media companies don’t just show the tough times but that they show that there is help and hope for people regardless of how challenging their personal situation is. 


To apply for treatment at Gordon Moody visit or for more information call us on 01384 241292. 

The National Gambling Helpline is available 24/7 call free on 0808 802 0133  


Gordon Moody

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